I encountered a problem of signature pad that I can’t control the height of pad. Obviously, it resizes itself at runtime. Check out this instruction: https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad According to the sample code. Set…
Improve Performance with simple attribute selection
After we have done tons of way to improve loading performance such as adding index to database, using eager loading, void N+1 issue, getting rid of O(n2), pagination etc, the page loading…
Tackle android hangs problem
Issue We have an android tablet. We use a third party app to submit electric form. After submitting, a pdf file is generated at a location. We develop our own app to…
The need of Validation
No matter we are newbie, junior or even senior developers, we see the validation everywhere in source code. I used to not appreciate the validation. I found it slows me down from…
Install WordPress with AWS Load Balancer for existing SSL
There are many options to install the WordPress website. We can quickly install by one-click Vultr or AWS Lightsail, or manually installing using any Compute Service Provider. We can take advantage of…
Essential steps in problem solving
I’ve recently solved many problems. If we look back what we did everyday we would find that we are all solving problems. No matter what is you job, you’re solving problems. Because…
SSH to Virtual Machine
We might want to test our software and the Docker container might not ideal. We need to configure the Port Forwarding for Virtualbox and connect through this port instead of port 22….
Importing CSV Big Data Into Rails
How do we import properly the csv file? Some time we deal with a big file. We don’t want to make too much memory consumption. Because you know, it needs to store…...
Pybluez Python send file via Bluetooth
In this article, we would use the Raspberry Pi 4 and Samsung tablet. This is server-client connection. We create an advertise service. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has two ways of communicating. The…
Dynamic schedule sidekiq jobs
Simple Scheduler In order to make scheduler in sidekiq, we install this gem. There are type ways of scheduler. We normally configure the fixed schedules in sidekiq.yml. But if we want to…...