Because AWS Lambda belongs to AWS ecosystem so I decided to use CodeBuild. It supports well the service role for authentication. We actually can use other CI/CD such as Github Action Workflows,…...
CI/CD with Jenkins
I choose Ubuntu because we can install it easily with apt. Don’t use Amazon Linux Image because it’s complex, consist of series of steps. I. Install Jenkins To install Jenkins on Ubuntu,…...
Event-Driven Handlers in Rails
Event-Driven Architecture is not new. It is implemented in many big systems such as commercial website, blockchain crypto currency exchange, game development like unreal engine blueprints etc. It solves many problems related…
Performance Optimization #1
Talking about performance optimization which is a big topic. Because there are so many thing affecting the performance. It depends on so many factors such as infrastructure, coding, networking etc. In this…...
Restart Puma Server with zero downtime
As a ruby on rails developer, I also think about the performance and availability dimensions of system. We know that the blue green deployment help us this problem. But we don’t really…
The Art of coding design
Coming soon
Basic configuration. autoQueue: true, which means auto call url to upload itself. If value is false, we have to implement custom upload. Render and listening events on “success” we want to put…
How to use pynamodb with CRUD
Pynamodb is a python library that is very helpful to play with dynamodb. It even helps us to do with a shorter code than ruby. Now let’s go through CRUD operations in…
AWS SAM creates lambda function
Create Function In order to have expected function name we need to add “FunctionName” to Properties in template file. Sam won’t do this automatically for us. We do this manually. We basically…...
Rails 7 Importmap pin import and preload
When we pin a file, it would go here which is a map of urls. This is the instruction for browser. Let’s say we have this directory. After “pin” we “import”. “Import”…