As a leader, we always try to make the best for our code base as well as the architecture. Because it’s our responsibility. However, the team members might be not aware of their roles. Being a leader, we deal with many kind of team member’s point of views. Some of them just want to finish their job and don’t care so much about quality of code. They might also have to deal with a limit of time. So they only focus on delivery and leave behind a tons of technical debts.
Lead Product
Leader is not a easy role but fully interests. We need to be aware that we’re like an artist. We have roles and missions. The missions get us know where we will go. The roles remind us that we have our responsibility. We keep our product in sharp. Trying to build it and prevent any potential issues from happening which make it broken. We make decisions, contributing to the general missions of company. We stay focused. All those things make a fews of many values of leader. The products belong to the company but those values remaining with us forever. So we know what is the most important.
Lead Team
Leading people is harder than leading product many times. The company has its own missions and visions. We are different people who have different wants. But we have common thing, complete the company’s missions. The leader inspires team members by telling them about the company’s visions. Together we build the trust. I don’t remember how many times I didn’t act according to the person who usually lay to me. The trust is crucial. From trust we can lead people.
One of our crucial roles is making the software easy for maintenance. We can build things easy at beginning but without ease of maintenance will make it fell fast. We deal with challenge not only in bugs fixing time but also developing time. In other words, that’s when we modify or add new things (code, components) to the code base or system. We would encounter the difficulties at this time. No matter what it’s, we have two choices. We solve it or leave a technical debt behind. Technical debt is inevitable in software. But if we have to do it, we got to have a way to manage the technical debts (TD). Don’t just leave it there and let other people find it by chance. We put TD in a “debt bank” that we can manage and all developers are able to be aware of them. That is how we make communication. We have issues, we raise it out. That’s the communication.